Watch Live Stream of YWCHAC Alumni participate in today’s City Council hearing on Oversight: Sex Education in NYC Schools at 11am

Watch the Live Stream of YWCHAC Alumni participate in today’s City Council hearing on Oversight: Sex Education in NYC Schools at 11am
This is why #WE_SPEAK: (Women Empowered Support Protect Education Advocate Know)

YWCHAC is in support of the bills on the table and will be asking that the NYC City Council also fund the NYC Sex Education Mandate issued by Mayor M. Bloomberg (August 2011).

Oversight: Sex Education in NYC Schools
Int. No. 771 - In relation to requiring the department of education to report on student health services.*
Int. No.  - In relation to requiring transparency from the department of education on instructors receiving training in sexual health education.**
Int. No.  - In relation to requiring the department of education to report information regarding comprehensive health education.***